Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Telnet Joggler

The following information can be used to configure the Joggler to allow Telnet connections:

If using Windows Vista or Windows 7 you will need to install Telnet from the "Turn Windows features on or off" option in Control Panel - Programs.

Connect to the Joggler:
Start Telnet.

In the command prompt type Open 192.168.1.x  (Where 192.168.1.x is the IP address of your Joggler - obtained from the Settings - Network)
Password -- letmein

Change directory:
cd /media/appshop or cd tv

Make directory:
mkdir tv

Copy file from internet to folder.
wget http://www.location.com/Program.tar   (Ensure you use appropriate capitals)

Expand compressed archive
tar xvf Program.tar

Delete compressed archive
rm Program.tar

List files in the folder

Copying file
cp applications.xml applications.backup

Edit file
vi applications.xml

Insert/edit the file

esc to exit insert mode
:x to write and exit
:w to write changes
:q to exit
:q! to exit and discard changes

Reboot the Joggler