Monday, February 02, 2009

Installing Windows 7 via USB or SD Media

You can install Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista from USB or whatever other removable media your computer can boot from? Insert your removable media into a Windows XP or Vista PC and run the following commands from an elevated command prompt.

  1. diskpart
  2. list disk (find the disk number for the removable media)
  3. select disk #
  4. clean
  5. create partition primary
  6. select partition 1
  7. active
  8. format fs=fat32
  9. assign letter=y (or any free drive letter)
  10. exit

Once that is complete mount the ISO and run the following command.

xcopy x:\*.* /s/e/f y:\

Where “x” is the drive letter of the mounted ISO. Once complete boot off the device and install the OS. When a new Windows 7 or 2008 R2 build is released, simply delete the contents, rerun the xcopy command and you are ready to go again.


Windows 7 and Asus Eee PC 901

Problem with the Black screen during boot up.

There is a conflict with the Asus BIOS and Windows 7. This occurs because the Operating system does not use the Netbooks screen as the first option during the login phase.

Quick Fix:
When the black screen has been displayed for a short while, lightly press the power button. This puts the Netbook to sleep. Lightly press the power button again wakes the Netbook and displays the login box.

Longer term fix:
Set the User account to auto login (Not recommended for secure systems.) and run a script to display the screen on the monitor.

Auto Login For Window 7 (and Windows Vista)
  1. Go to start
  2. Type netplwiz in the search box
  3. Select the user from which you want to login automatically and uncheck the box “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer”.
  4. Enter the password of the account in the box.
  5. Click ok

Setup the display script

  1. Just open notepad and save this code as a .bat file in the startup folder found in the start-menu:

    displayswitch /extend
    displayswitch /internal

  2. Start menu location:
    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
