Monday, March 23, 2009

How do I turn off the autocomplete function in Word 2007

Start Microsoft Word

Press Alt+F11 to show the Visual Basic Editor. Press Ctrl+G to activate the
Immediate window. Type

Application.DisplayAutoCompleteTips = False

and press Enter.

Close Visual Basic editor.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

MSTSC /admin

In both Vista SP1 and Windows Server 2008, the Remote Desktop Program has been updated to version 6.1 (6.0.6001) and one of the changes is that the functionality previously associated with the /console switch is now called the /admin switch.

If you use "mstsc /v:servername /console" in a script file then the /console will be ignored (with no warning) and you will be connected to a normal session that is not the server console.

You now use /admin instead of /console.

Detailed discussion on the the change here: